Lillian Place
The Lillian Place project is located in the East Village area San Diego and consists of 74 ‘for rent’ apartment homes geared towards low to moderate-income families and included the renovation of the historic 1401 J Street building into a multi-function community room.
The site plan takes advantage of the long, linear super-block on which the project sits. Usable courtyards of varying shapes and sizes provide opportunities for residents to play, relax, and gather. These courtyards were arranged as a sequence of outdoor ‘rooms’ in a careful effort to provide a variety of experiences for the residents as well as to effectively expand the livable area of their apartment home. Project elements include a small totlot structure, raised planters, outdoor dining space, and many mature trees protected along the streetscape.
Client: Wakeland Housing & Development
Design Partners: Studio E Architects
Completed while with IVY Landscape Architects